Saturday, November 7, 2009

Columbia SC Real Estate Google Strategy Training 11/13/2009

Columbia SC Real Estate Web Strategy Training

Sponsored by: Exit Real Estate Service in Columbia SC and EXIT Realty of Greenwood SC; Friday November 13th in West Columbia SC - Extreme Niche Marketing takes into account that you understand you need a website – Now let’s get the right knowledge and habits that produce results…

The Broker/Owners of EXIT Realty in Columbia and Greenwood South Carolina, namely Cindy Evans and Diane Gillespie invite their Exit Franchisees partners in the Carolinas and their Exit Realty Professionals to attend a foundation training on Real Estate Internet Marketing and Strategy Friday November 13th; Going beyond understanding Internet Marketing and into a plan of action that drives results!!! (PDF Link)

Columbia SC Real Estate Web Strategy Training November 13th 2009The training is designed to help Realtors and Brokers devise an Internet Presence that produces results and transcends the arduous jargon that floats around the Real Estate Industry - in fact it ignores National Visibility and focuses on Local Niche Marketing.

Internet Agents Earn 3 times the Income of Traditional Agents ($100K+ versus $36K) - Read this important article by RISMedia.

Every Real Estate Professional understands that having a successful Internet Strategy is important but getting the right ideas and habits are few and far between… this course intends to answer the fundamental questions and offers a Plan of Action that Realtors can trust to design an organic Real Estate Internet Strategy driven by the needs of their Buyers and Sellers. This is a true Real Estate Training - nothing will be sold nor does the trainer affiliate with any vendors - your Realtor Colleagues who have taken this training are producing results; shouldn't you.

Real Estate School of South Carolina
101 Medical Circle Drive, West Columbia, SC 29169 - School Phone # (803) 791-3800

Contact: Key Yessaad at (910) 538-6610 or your broker for more details.

Dates: Friday November 13th - 9:30am (please start arriving at 9am)

Duration: 5 to 6 hours – lots of breaks will be offered.

Cost: $59 (please make checks payable to: Key Yessaad and hand them to your broker. I asked them to hold the checks until I have delivered the training. We need the participation of 25 agents per training - you will love the training!!!)

Special Thanks to our Lunch Sponsor: Residential Lending Services Inc. 866-562-6318

My Commitment: To liberate you from the angst of the internet and show you what your Buyers, Sellers and Google want… (Don’t we all want to make Google happy!!!) I will also give you a methodical plan of action to get you going or tweak what you are currently doing…

This intentional Training goes beyond Internet and SEO Jargon and into a Successful Real Estate Internet Strategy

Do you plan to get a website? Do you have a website that’s stagnant? Do you feel overwhelmed with the whole endeavor? This is the Seminar for you... many of you have sluggish websites that are not producing any results... so what to do?

I designed this course to go beyond the simple discussion of need; to the design of a Real Estate Web Strategy that drives traffic and results. You will leave empowered and with a plan of action and a full-understanding of what is currently happening in the realm of Real Estate Websites.

I am Vendor-Agnostic and will share with you what works; I have designed hundreds of websites and they are all on Page 1 of Google; I will show you what to demand from your vendor and will help you make the right decision. It is not the Vendor that matters; it is your habits and discipline I am going to focus on...

This course was designed to enhance the ability of Real Estate Professionals to compete in an ever increasing ardent Internet Landscape…

This course used to be called: "I don't have a Web Strategy – How do I get started?" It has now evolved to include all the major topics of Real Estate Internet Strategies. Bring your assistant, your web guru, your cousin Vinnie who dabbles in websites – they will learn how to help you focus on the most important part about having a Real Estate website. Realtor Websites are of a different nature than regular ones – I will explain all this in the class…

I will cover the following topics in the Seminar:

  1. What is Internet Marketing? and how does "Extreme Niche Marketing" help me grow my business?
  2. Should you get a Real Estate website? And why?
  3. What is a Real Estate Website? (Seems like and easy question - I will challenge you on what you think you know!!!)
  4. How do you select the best Web Services? What are the important tools of a Real Estate Website?
  5. Domain Names: How do I get one? Where and How much?
    Should I get more than one? And why? How do I hook them up together?
  6. How do I get started?
    Will I be able to understand the Web jargon? (Let me give you the answer: Yes)
  7. How expensive is it going to be? (I will show you how to get started for FREE!)
  8. How much work will I have to put in? Is it worth the effort? And how often?
  9. What is IDX? And do I need it? Shouldn’t I just use my MLS IDX? And what is Sticky IDX?
  10. How about Blogging? Is it important?
  11. How can my Assistant help me grow my website?

I will have time for all your questions… Remember: bringing your tech guy/gal to this class will help you and will focus him/her on your Real Estate Web needs…

Real Estate Internet Marketing Trainings by Key Yessaad - The Google Master

Real Estate Internet Strategy Training - Internet Marketing Success
Real Estate Internet Strategy Training

Real Estate Blogging Strategy Training - Internet Traffic Visibility Success
Real Estate Blogging Strategy Training

Real Estate Database Strategy Training - Stay in Touch and Convert Sales
Real Estate Database Strategy Training

Real Estate Web Advanced Training - Google Visibility and Links, Links, Links
Real Estate Web Advanced Training

Testimonials from Previous Attendees of Trainings:

Jason Jacques - Broker/Owner of Exit Realty in Brevard North Carolina

"Thank you so much for offering this training on web strategy. It is great to see your passion and enthusiasm. I would recommend any agent that has the time and energy to invest in their web strategy and their business to sign up for the next class available with Key. In fact I would recommend it sooner than later because one day soon Key will figure out the info is near priceless and he might try to charge what it is worth! (Ha Ha) You can pay thousands to the big SEO companies or you take the classes offered by Key and do it yourself." - Jason Jacques, Broker/Owner of Exit Realty in Brevard NC - Brevard NC Real Estate

Nancy Winters - REALTOR EXIT Realty Advantage Charlotte North Carolina

"Hey Key, More good news because of what I learned from you.
I just got interviewed by WFAE (90.7) NPR News Radio for a radio segment on how the market is in Charlotte for those wanting to relocate… what effect the banking industry has had on those wanting to move here, job availability, etc. The story is supposed to air on Sept. 29.
Bottom line…… the newscaster found me by doing a search “Charlotte relocation specialist” and guess who came up in the #1 and #2 spot on Google? Yours truly!
Once again, I thank you so much for your passion in teaching those of us who want to generate more business through the Internet. It is so exciting to see the little effort I’ve put in pay off already. Thanks and best regards." - Nancy Winters - REALTOR EXIT Realty Advantage Charlotte North Carolina.

Jennifer Jones - REALTOR EXIT Real Estate Solutions North East Columbia SC

"This is Jennifer Jones and I attended the training session that you did in Columbia this past Thursday. I am a fairly new agent with Exit Real Estate Solutions in NE Columbia SC. I have taken quite a few courses, both online and and in person and your was by far the most informative, practical and fun! I am anxious to implement what I learned and do it WELL." - by Jennifer Jones - REALTOR EXIT Real Estate Solutions North East Columbia SC.

Mike Grumbles - CFO EXIT MidSouth Realty

"I attended the web strategy training with Key on Tuesday the 14th of July and the content and method of presentation was phenomenal, but I was totally sold when after following his steps, I got the first 5 returns out of 10 on page 1 of Google. That is 50% coverage on page 1 of the search engine that has over 72% of all search traffic, AMAZING. All I did was ...... I can't tell you! You have to join EXIT and take the course so Key can get your mind right for the Google Juice."

Thanks, you have brought many things into perspective for me in Real Estate. I will stop the unproductive and focus on the productive again." - Mike Grumbles - CFO EXIT MidSouth Realty in Tennessee.

Joe Nester - Broker/Owner Exit Agapé Real Estate Services

"Key not only shows you how the internet and Goggle work, he also teaches you everything you need to know to start building Goggle visibility for your web-site. Every class has an action plan for the student to implement. The methods and techniques are valid and verifiable. The potential power of understanding and implementing the strategy is unlimited. read more..." - Joe Nester - Broker/Owner Exit Agapé Real Estate Services. West Columbia SC Real Estate

Columbia SC Real Estate Web Strategy Training November 13th 2009

Web Link: Columbia SC Real Estate Web Strategy Training November 13th 2009
PDF Link: Columbia-SC-Real-Estate-Web-Strategy-Training-Nov-2009.pdf
Wordpress Real Estate SEO Blog: Columbia SC Real Estate Web Strategy Training November 13th 2009
Realtown Real Estate SEO Blog: Columbia SC Real Estate Internet Strategy Training November 13th 2009
Trulia Real Estate SEO Blog: Columbia SC Real Estate Internet Strategy Training Nov 13th 2009
Realtor Talk Real Estate SEO Blog: Columbia SC Real Estate Internet Strategy Training Friday Nov 13th 2009
Merchant Circle Real Estate SEO Blog: Columbia SC Real Estate Web Strategy Training 11/13
Zolve Real Estate SEO Blog: Columbia SC Real Estate Web Strategy Training Friday Nov 13th 2009
Facebook Event Real Estate Internet Marketing: Columbia SC Real Estate Web Strategy Training Event
Twitter Real Estate SEO Event: I will be holding a Web Strategy Training in Columbia SC this coming Friday the 13th
Bloglines Real Estate SEO Blog: Columbia SC Real Estate Internet Strategy Training Friday November 13th 2009
Condo Real Estate SEO Blog: Columbia SC Real Estate Website Strategy Training Friday November 13th 2009
Broker Agent Social Real Estate SEO Blog: Columbia SC Real Estate Website Strategy Training Friday Nov 13th 2009
Vox Real Estate SEO Blog: Columbia SC Real Estate Google Strategy Training Friday Nov 13th 2009
Live Journal Real Estate SEO Blog: Columbia SC Real Estate Google Strategy Training Friday November 13th 2009

Columbia SC Real Estate Training, Columbia SC Real Estate Internet Training, Columbia SC Real Estate Web Training, Columbia SC Internet Marketing, Columbia SC Real Estate Websites, Real Estate Training, Real Estate Web Trainer, Real Estate SEO Trainings, SEO Marketing Trainings, Real Estate Internet Strategy Training, Real Estate Internet Marketing, Exit Realty Training, Exit Realty Training, Real Estate Blogs, Real Estate Internet Training, Real Estate Internet Trainer, Real Estate Web Training, Real Estate Internet Strategy Training, Real Estate Internet Marketing Training, Real Estate Web Strategy, Internet Marketing Strategy Training

Key Yessaad - Real Estate Web Trainer and Internet StrategistKey YessaadReal Estate SEO Trainings and Internet Strategies. To train, motivate, and coach Real Estate Professionals triumph is my passion. I specialize in training Realtors to compete online and understand the key elements of Real Estate SEO. My Trainings and Internet Strategies intersect in my seminars with powerful ideas and Plans of Actions that produce results. Google or call me (910) 538-6610 and let’s discuss how I can help your Agents climb the Google Tree of Success. I can tailor my Real Estate Seminars to the level of sophistication of your agents and I promise they will leave inspired and will produce results!!! Read some of the Realtors Testimonials. Posts on a Greater Town Board for Real Estate Internet Marketing Ideas and Trainings.

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