Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wilmington NC Real Estate Social Networking Visibility Training on March 11th

Real Estate Social Networking Visibility Training - Wilmington NC

Thursday March 11th in Wilmington NC
How to Drive Google, Search Engine Traffic, and your Customers to your Website or Blog using Social Media and Networking Websites

Social Networking Websites such as FaceBook and Twitter connect us to the people we know - Isn't time you understand Google, Social Networking, and Blogs to connect with people you don't know?

Wilmington NC Real Estate Social Networking Training -SPonsor WRAR Diversity Committee

The Wilmington REALTORS® Diversity Committee (WRAR) invites the Real Estate Professionals in around Wilmington North Carolina, and members of WRAR, to attend a special Training on Social Networking, Google Visibility, and Internet Marketing Thursday March 11th 2010. (PDF Link)

Social Networking is a fundamental change in our society; it allows us to connect with our friends and customers via the internet and smart phones… it helps us stay in touch with those we care about, work with, and share with them what we are up to.

My question to you is: What if Google was one of your Social Networking Friends? Think about this: What if every time you had something special to share Google told everyone for you? and I mean Everyone on the Internet… Well Google tells everyone by ranking your stories and expertise – let's learn how!

PS: If you are an Advanced Internet User or SEO Expert this training is too basic for you - by the same token this training is not about showing you how to setup a Facebook Profile - it is assumed you already know how to do that. (Please read the topics I will cover so you can attend and get the most out of this training - Thank you!)

Sponsor: Wilmington REALTORS® Diversity Committee (WRAR)
Purpose and Vision of the Committee:
• To create & implement programs or initiatives & communicate information designed to help members of WRAR manage risk in the area of housing discrimination & to help provide equal professional services to all.
• To promote cultural awareness & identify the concerns among members and non-members & encourage them to leverage diversity by subscribing to practices that embrace the full array of people & perspectives needed for business success.
• To build diversity within WRAR & the Real Estate Industry.
• To encourage & enhance relationships between & among WRAR & other organizations that support Real Estate Opportunities for all people.

Location: Intracoastal Realty Meeting Room - Lumina Station
1902 Eastwood Road, Lumina III, Wilmington, NC 28403 - Map it

Date: Thursday, March 11th, 2009 – 9:30am (please start arriving at 9am)

Duration: 5 hours – ample breaks will be offered.

Cost: $25 WRAR Members Only - Please contact Dayma Edwards at WRAR at (910) 762-7400

My Commitment: To un-shackle you from the fear of the internet and show you what your Buyers, Sellers and Google want… (Don’t we all want to make Google happy!!!) I will also give you a methodical plan of action to get you going or tweak what you are currently doing…


The Training goes beyond Internet and SEO Jargon and into a Successful Real Estate Internet Strategy


I will cover the following topics in the Seminar:

  1. What is Internet Marketing? you may think you know the answer - the ideas in the training will challenge you and will give you and edge over your competition.
  2. What is Social Networking? Let me share a quick answer: Content that Leads to you... Hmmm...
  3. Should you 'Social Network' and How? Well you already do... what if you did it right - and I mean to also attract Google?
  4. How to write compelling Social Networking Content?
  5. How to integrate your profiles with Social Networking Updates?
  6. Will RSS Feeds Enhance my Website?
  7. Can I integrate my Blogs into RSS Feeds and Social Networks?
  8. How can I use Social Media to create Exposure for my Listings?
  9. Can you share some shortcuts that will help me with my Presence Online.
  10. What is Social Media Optimization?
  11. How to Link your profiles and make them visible with social media?
  12. Note: Not intended for Advanced Users - if you have some SEO expertise and wish to ask me questions before attending feel free to call me (910) 538-6610.

I will have plenty of time for your questions…

This training was designed to first demystify Social Networking, and furthermore allow Real Estate Professionals to attract Google and Search Engines to your content, Blogs, and Website; remember "those you don’t know" are searching for Real Estate on Google NOT FaceBook…

This is a Strategy Training that covers Micro-Blogging, Twitter, Trulia, FaceBook, Blogs, and other Social Networking Hubs to drive traffic to your website… once you understand that the essence of the internet are links, well placed links, well-written links, Google will learn to translate your intention into visibility.

My trainings are designed to support Real Estate Professionals and Brokers devise an Internet Presence that produces results and transcends the arduous jargon of SEO and Confusion that floats around the Real Estate Industry. Keep this fact in mind: Internet Agents Earn 3 times the Income of Traditional Agents ($100K+ versus $36K.)

Real Estate Internet Marketing Trainings by Key Yessaad - The Google Master

Testimonials from Previous Trainings:


Jae Kim - Broker/Owner of Exit Real Estate Solutions in Columbia South Carolina

"I've been pretty successful in real estate with several very large companies. Never, EVER, did I ever get training that is so impactful, useful, and results oriented. All this and you somehow keep it simple enough for beginners to jump right in. My challenge is to keep up with internet marketing and you've taken me to the next level in just one easy, enjoyable class. I thank you and my office thanks you!" - Jae Kim - Broker/Owner in Columbia South Carolina.

Jason Jacques - Broker/Owner of Exit Realty in Brevard North Carolina

"Thank you so much for offering this training on web strategy. It is great to see your passion and enthusiasm. I would recommend any agent that has the time and energy to invest in their web strategy and their business to sign up for the next class available with Key. In fact I would recommend it sooner than later because one day soon Key will figure out the info is near priceless and he might try to charge what it is worth! (Ha Ha) You can pay thousands to the big SEO companies or you take the classes offered by Key and do it yourself." - Jason Jacques, Broker/Owner in Brevard NC - Brevard NC Real Estate

Joe Nester - Broker/Owner Exit Agapé Real Estate Services

"Key not only shows you how the internet and Goggle work, he also teaches you everything you need to know to start building Goggle visibility for your web-site. Every class has an action plan for the student to implement. The methods and techniques are valid and verifiable. The potential power of understanding and implementing the strategy is unlimited. read more..." - Joe Nester - Broker/Owner Agapé Real Estate Services. West Columbia SC Real Estate
Craig Summerall, Broker/Owner Exit Real Estate Consultants, Lexington SC. Attended Real Estate Blogging Strategy in Columbia SC Thursday March 19th. "Key, thanks again for the outstanding training/information/guidance/and “kick in the pants” you provided yesterday, March 19 for the agents in the Columbia area. Your enthusiasm is tremendous and the knowledge agents now have will allow them to properly position themselves in their respective markets. We look forward to seeing you again in May!" - Craig Summerall, Broker/Owner in Lexington SC. Attended Real Estate Blogging Strategy in Columbia SC Thursday March 19th. Lexington SC Real Estate

Wilmington NC Real Estate Social Networking Training -SPonsor WRAR Diversity Committee

Web Link: Real Estate Social Networking Visibility Training - Wilmington NC March 11th
PDF Link: wilmington-nc-real-estate-social-networking-training.pdf
Local Blog: Real Estate Social Networking Visibility Training in Wilmington NC March 11th
Real Estate SEO Blog: Real Estate Social Networking Visibility Training - Wilmington March 11th

Wilmington NC Real Estate Training, Wilmington NC Real Estate Marketing, Wilmington NC Internet Marketing, Wilmington NC Social Marketing Training, Real Estate SEO Trainings, SEO Marketing Trainings, Internet Strategy Training, Social Networking Strategy

Key Yessaad - Real Estate Web Trainer and Internet StrategistKey Yessaad – Real Estate SEO Trainings and Internet Strategies; I am dedicated to training, motivating, and coaching Real Estate Professionals succeed on the internet. I specialize in focusing Realtors on competing online and understand the key elements of Real Estate SEO Marketing. My Trainings and Internet Strategies intersect in my seminars with powerful ideas and Plans of Actions that produce results. Google or call me (910) 538-6610 and let’s discuss how I can help your Agents climb the Google Tree of Success. I can tailor my Real Estate Seminars to the level of sophistication of your agents and I promise they will leave inspired and will produce results!!! Read some Realtors Testimonials.

Posted via web from Real Estate Internet Marketing Trainings

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